Architectural Considerations for an RF MEMS Switch

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  • Author: Igor Lalicevic, RF Director

This application note focus is on architectural considerations for RF MEMS switching solutions in LTE wireless technology mobile platforms, focusing on the RF platform subsystem. RF MEMS benefits according to these architectural considerations will be observed through different aspects of RF front end (RF FE) performance improvement and analyzed in subsequent DelfMEMS application notes.

A short description of mobile platform and RF front end architecture will be included, while focus will be on the RF MEMS switching solution role in RF front end. Extensive work has already been performed on RF MEMS solutions in the RF front end and it has been demonstrated that you can get better antennas, filters and power amplifiers by using RF MEMS. Along with applications such as tunable antennas and filters, RF MEMS are deemed to be an ideal choice to implement high performance RF switching.

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