Internet of Things for Dummies - Volume 1

Qorvo IOTThe Internet of Things (IoT) is creating a new world - a quantifiable and measurable world - in which people can better manage their lives and companies can better manage their businesses. This new “smart,” connected world will offer fundamental changes both to society and to consumers and will profoundly transform entire businesses and industries. The rise of the IoT will create many practical and significant improvements in our world and our daily lives by helping us make better decisions faster with timely, higher‐quality information.

This book explains what the IoT is all about and what it means for businesses in different industries (Chapter 1); what communications standards and protocols currently exist or are in development for the IoT (Chapter 2); key IoT data challenges, including big and small data, analytics, and security (Chapter 3); and some important takeaways about the IoT for businesses (Chapter 4).

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