Disruptive Innovation Demonstrating WiFi3 vs 802.11ac

It is predicted by 2017 there will be 5 devices/connections for every internet user. Smart phone devices, tablets etc; have allowed internet access to almost half of the global population. Increased access is now driving accelerated data demand via high bandwidth applications like Netflix as well as passive data transfer using applications such as Dropbox for photo and media storage. The result – WiFi networks are being taxed to the tipping point as standard WiFi architecture struggles to deliver the capacity required of wireless networks in high density environments.

Edgewater’s WiFi3 is following a path of disruptive innovation in WiFi hardware innovation. WiFi3 is fundamentally changing the capabilities of standards-compliant WiFi by increasing the number of available channels in a given area. It is the only WiFi architecture to deliver multiple, concurrent channels of transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) from a single radio.

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