Design and Matching of a 60 GHz Printed Antenna Using NI AWR Software and AWR Connected for Optenni

Impedance matching of high-frequency components is a key part of antenna design that ensures maximum transfer of power between the antenna and the transmitter/receiver circuitry. Antennas can be tuned to resonate at the desired frequencies much more quickly and efficiently by first designing a matching circuit rather than by making modifications to the antenna’s physical dimensions.

This application note describes a unique design flow using NI AWR software and the AWR Connected for Optenni third-party solution to design and match a 60 GHz printed antenna. The flow combines Microwave Office for RF/microwave circuit simulation and AXIEM for planar EM analysis with Optenni Lab matching circuit software, providing an integrated workflow that accelerates antenna design and integration with other front-end components.

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