Designing Ultra Low Noise Amplifiers for Infrastructure Receiver Applications

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  • Author: Fikret Altunkilic, Alan Miller, Vivian Tzanakos and Michele Lewis

Amplifiers used in wireless infrastructure receiver applications have the key requirements of low noise, high linearity, and unconditional stability. In order to meet these needs, Skyworks has developed a new family of low noise amplifiers (LNAs) implemented in 0.5 µm enhancement mode (E-Mode) pHEMT. The SKY67101-396LF, covering 0.7–1.0 GHz, and the SKY67100-396LF, covering 1.7–2.0 GHz, are appropriate for application in GSM, WCDMA, TDSCDMA, and LTE infrastructure receiver chains. For low cost and efficient use of PCB space, the LNAs are housed in a 2 x 2 mm QFN package and share a common layout among the frequency bands.

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