Inside IoT’s Earliest 5G Use Cases: Six Verticals that Uncover 5G’s Value in IoT

The excitement about the arrival of 5G has mostly been directed at the consumer market place but there are enormous markets in the business-to-business (B2B) arena that will be enabled by the high speed, low latency and connection density of 5G. To date, though, these are only visible in isolated areas as organizations wait for wider deployment of 5G, learn more about the capabilities and relevance of the technology to their business and seek out the 5G modules and devices necessary.Internet of Things and business applications should not, however, be seen as a minor market for 5G. Analyst firm IoT Analytics estimates that the global base of 5G connected devices, (both IoT and non-IoT) will reach 1.2 billion by 2025, rising from around 11 million devices in 2020. We are therefore at the start of 5G in IoT and this paper sets out the benefits 5G offers, the leading use cases and the main challenges facing wider adoption of the technology.

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