Ultra Wideband Testing : Practical Introduction to UWB Measurements

This whitepaper provides an overview of the Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology based on the IEEE 802.15.4z amendment  to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. An introduction to the technology is included that covers frame formats, modulation techniques used in UWB communication, and how distance measurements are made. A key aspect of the ranging features of UWB is measuring distance. Time of Flight (ToF) is detailed in this paper and the three different ranging methods defined in IEEE 802.15.4z are outlined.

The remaining part of the paper will focus on an overview of testing UWB devices:
• TX Testing focuses on the transmitter performance measurements.
• RX Testing describes the receiver tests that verify the reception and sensitivity performance of a Device Under Test (DUT).
• ToF Testing outlines how to perform calibration of delays in a DUT’s frontend, and explain why this is important.
The paper closes with an introduction to the IQgig-UWB, LitePoint’s fully-integrated test systems that enables both characterization and verification of the performance of an UWB DUT.

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