Mid-Band Spectrum Update

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  • Author: Meesha Sundarum

5G, the “fifth generation” of wireless cellular technology, offers a vast range of capabilities compared to the previous generations of mobile technology. The high capacity and low latency of 5G communications allow not only for enhanced wireless broadband with ultra-high speeds, but also for additional functionalities and a wide range of optimized services that take advantage of this new interface. 5G technology expands the value of mobile networks by enabling new mobile services into new industries and connecting devices and people across an array of new applications. It can also help close the digital divide where people do not have access to the latest technology or decent connectivity.

This white paper provides an overview of current and potential new mid-band and extended mid-band spectrum availability in the United States over the next several years, including technical characteristics and challenges ,as well as policy and regulatory landscape. The realization of new bands in these spectrum ranges depends on several developments, including studies and solutions for coexistence with incumbent services.

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