Non-Linear Simulation of RFIC Amplifier Reference Design Boards

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  • Author: Hetvi Patel, Thomas Weller, Rick Connick and Lawrence Dunleavy
Today there is a trend away from brute-force bench tuning and towards increased use of circuit simulation as the path for rapid prototype success of microwave designs at the circuit as well as sub-system levels. There are many choices for designers, including the option of choosing a nearly ready-to-use packaged RFIC amplifier in lieu of designing their own amplifier from scratch. Often, application information related to such packaged RFICs includes a complete reference design that is supplied and/or can be fabricated on a PCB board that includes external matching and bias components and a transmission line interconnect layout. Packaged RFIC amplifiers can be readily cascaded on a board (or within a multi-chip module of some form) with filters, mixers, switches and other system level components to comprise complete RF sub-system front-ends.
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