Professional Development Activities to Enhance Your Career

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  • Author: Gary Breed
It is often said that there is a big difference between a “job” and a “career.” A job is simply a collection of tasks, while a career is deep personal involvement in the business or technology that requires the completion of those tasks. In short, a job is what you do, a career is who you are. Although some engineers go to work each day with the attitude that it’s a job, most engineers see their work as a career—they have invested a lot of hard work in school, they have ambitions for achievement in a professional environment, and they love to figure out how to make things work! There are two main avenues for professional development as an engineer: technical and managerial. There is a third path—personal development—that may be pursued within, or in addition to, employment. Every engineer seems to find that one, two or even all three are challenging and satisfying paths for professional achievement and recognition.
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