Manufacturers' Efforts Simplify Power Measurement for Specific Standards

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  • Author: Gary Breed
There are dozens of wireless communication standards currently active in product development and system deployment. A key measurement in development and production testing is power—but the prescribed methods, test signals, frequency span and allowable limits can be daunting for an engineer to study before attempting to create a test setup. Fortunately, the most knowledgeable experts on measurement techniques are the engineers at test equipment companies. They have done the necessary study concerning standards-based power measurement and have included that information in instrument instruction manuals, application notes, and even formal tutorials in multimedia or interactive webinar formats. Even better, the necessary setups for major wireless standards may be included in the operating software of the test equipment. Although usually an extra-cost option, these “personalities” are almost always worth the investment. Advanced users will likely expand them to include specific features unique to the wireless products they are developing and/or manufacturing.
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