Benefits of Mixed Dielectrics When Used for High-Frequency PCB Applications

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  • Author: By John Coonrod, Rogers Corporation, Advanced Circuit Materials Division
Multilayer printedcircuit boards (PCBs) can provide many advantages to RF/microwave circuit designers in terms of achieving high functional density in a small size, while also improving reliability and cutting cost. As some designers have found, the multiple layers need not be the same dielectric materials: a growing number of RF/microwave circuit designs are being implemented with hybrid multilayer PCBs, in which different materials are used among the layers. This allows the choice of materials to be tailored to the various functions on the different layers of the PCB. Of course, there are some areas of concern when adopting such a design approach, and this article will provide a simple overview of these hybrid multilayer PCBs in terms of fabrication, electrical performance, and the types of circuit materials that are suitable for hybrid multilayer PCBs.
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