5G Frequency Bands in Europe

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- everything RF

Aug 3, 2020

The European Union has taken multiple steps to ensure speedy and reliable 5G deployment across European Countries. This includes design and planning spectrum bands auction for 5G.

In May 2019, the European Commission adopted an Implementing Decision to harmonize radio spectrum from 24.25 - 27.5 GHz (26 GHz band), enabling Member States to set common technical conditions for use of the band and open it up for use (with 5G in mind, but on a technology and service-neutral basis).

The EU Electronics (New Framework) set a deadline of 31 December 2020 for the granting of spectrum from 24.25–27.5 GHz for 5G service provision.

5G Spectrum Allocation in Major European Countries

CountryFrequency BandFrequencyAuction Status
Finlandn783.41 - 3.8 GHzAuctioned (October 2018)
n25825.1 - 27.5 GHzAuctioned (June 2020)
Francen783.4 - 3.8 GHzAuctioned (September 2020)
n25726.5 - 27.5 GHzUpcoming
Germanyn11920 - 1980 MHz (Uplink)
2110 - 2170 (Downlink)
Auctioned (August 2019)
n783.4 - 3.7 GHzAuctioned (August 2019)
n783.4 - 3.8 GHzUpcoming (Planned)
n25824.25 - 27.5 GHzUpcoming (Planned)
Irelandn783.4 - 3.8 GHzAuctioned (May 2017)
n25826 GHzUpcoming
Italyn783.6 - 3.8 GHzAuctioned (October 2018)
n25826.5 - 27.5 GHzAuctioned (October 2018)
-700 MHzAuctioned (October 2018)
Russian402.3 - 2.4 GHzUpcoming
n412.57 - 2.62 GHzUpcoming
n794.4 - 4.99 GHzUpcoming
n24824.25 - 27.5 GHzUpcoming (Planned)
-694 - 790 MHzUpcoming (Planned)
Spainn783.4 - 3.6 GHzAuctioned (July 2018)
n783.6 - 3.8 GHzUpcoming (Planned)
-700 MHzUpcoming (Planned
n25826 GHzUpcoming (Planned
United Kingdomn783.4 - 3.6 GHzAuctioned (April 2018)
n783.6 - 3.8 GHzUpcoming (In 2020)
n25824.25 - 27.5 GHzUpcoming (Planned)

5G Frequency Bands in Europe

- everything RF

Feb 17, 2018

The 5G mobile wireless standard has been allocated different frequency bands in different countries and regions. There is a lower band and a higher band in each country and region. We have listed the current 5G Spectrum allocations for Europe:

5G Spectrum Allocations for Europe

CountryLow Frequency BandHigh Frequency Band
Finland3.4 - 3.8 GHz26.5 - 27.5 GHz
France3.46 - 3.8 GHz26 GHz
Germany3.4 - 3.8 GHz26 - 27.5 GHz
Ireland3.4 - 3.8 GHz26 GHz
Italy3.6 - 3.8 GHz26.5 - 27.5 GHz
Russia3.4 - 3.8 GHz26 GHz
Spain3.4 - 3.8 GHz26.5 - 27.5 GHz
United Kingdom3.4 - 3.6 GHz, 3.6 to 3.8 GHz (in 2019)26.5 - 27.5 GHz