Field Installation of Cables and Connectors for MRI Systems

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  • Author: Kevin Moyher
MRI systems are just one of the many unique applications for coaxial cable. MRI technology has advanced in recent years and is now capable of producing color graph- ics which resemble actual photographs. These machines have become instrumental in providing basic medical care and are now found in every hospital as well as many clinics, labs and doctor’s offices. Most MRI systems operate in the range of 100-300 MHz, requiring coaxial transmission lines between the body coil unit and the RF power supply. A number of coaxial interconnects are required, including a high power interconnect which must handle many kilowatts. The body coil unit, which is the enclosure or tube that the patient would actually see or be placed into during a test, must be contained in a shielded room. The technician who performs the test sits at a control panel outside this room along with the power supply and other support systems for the MRI body coil unit.
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