Software Defined Radio Architecture for NASA's Space Communications

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  • Author: M.C. Scardelletti, R.C. Reinhard, M. Andro, D.J. Mortensen, T. Kacpura, C. Smith, J. Liebetreu, & A. Farrington
The National Aero-nautics and Space Administration (NASA) is developing a standardized platform for future space communica-tions needs, based on soft-ware-defined radio (SDR) concepts. The goal is to have a system that does not require a complete custom hardware/soft-ware design for each mission. Instead, NASA desires an adaptable and scalable system that can accommodate the performance demands of many different radio systems. In addition, the hardware/software architecture is intended to protect the intellectual property rights of con-tractors regarding the internal operation of the portions of the system they provide.
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