Simulation of DVB-T Channel for Antenna Diversity Reception

DVB-T can be used for stationary, portable and – using the diversity technique – also mobile reception. Stationary reception via a Gaussian channel and a fixed Yagi antenna on the roof usually poses no problems. This is different with portable reception, for example on a park bench, if there are moving objects in the vicinity of the receiver that has been put up for optimal reception. These may be persons or any kind of vehicles that – while passing by the receiver - generate different types of reflections. With mobile reception, for example when driving on a motorway, poor receiving conditions have the most detrimental effect. Receiving conditions can be considerably improved by employing several antennas, a technique that is referred to as antenna diversity. This application note discusses the improvements that can be achieved with antenna diversity and explains how to simulate a DVB-T channel with the required characteristics by means of TV Test Transmitter R&S SFQ.
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