How to Achieve Lower TCO With Software-Defined Spectrum Analysis Platforms

Faced with new signal standards, increasing cost-pressures, and shorter time-to-market, RF spectrum analysis solutions must be easy to use, relatively low cost, and designed specifically for the end-user’s requirements. Because many end-users have little interest in developing their own RF applications or configuring solutions, they turn to system integrators (SIs) to deliver the right solutions that are ready to be deployed in the field.

When it comes to applications such as spectrum monitoring, signals intelligence (SIGINT), technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM), interference hunting, mobile testing, transmission test, or customer premise equipment test, the hardware platform chosen by the SI will determine the success of the project. That’s why SIs need to carefully identify the right spectrum analysis platform to build their solution around in terms of functionality and cost.

This whitepaper will compare three different approaches SIs can take when building or choosing a spectrum analysis platform for their end-uses. It will explain the key considerations and rank each approach based on their performance in these areas. It will then demonstrate which approach is most suitable for the SI and end-user, and why buying software-defined spectrum analysis platforms helps SIs achieve lower TCO while delivering stronger end-user solutions.

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