Improving an Information Conduit

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  • Author: Scott L. Spencer Publisher
I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions. My reasoning is that if something needs to be corrected or improved, why wait until January 1st to make a change? Besides, according to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, of the 62% of all Americans who usually or occasionally make New Year’s resolutions, only 8% are successful in achieving the goal. A little over a year ago we set out to make some significant improvements to High Frequency Electronics. These changes could not be implemented in a single incident; as a single event. Some of them might not even be readily apparent to the reader. For example, improvements focused on circulation development are consistent with our goal to provide every design engineer whose work involves RF and microwave technology the opportunity to receive HFE in either print or digital formats. These efforts have resulted in an active and curious audience that is 100% 1-year qualified and verified by BPA Worldwide, a recognized leader in circulation auditing since 1931. We have added sales personnel for new account development, better European coverage, and cost effective “Showcase” and display advertising. All of which are designed to provide a conduit for information from industry to the reader.
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