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What frequency bands have been allocated for 5G in Brazil?
5G Frequency bands in Brazil
Frequency Band
Frequency Range
Auction Status
700 MHz
Upcoming (2021)
2300 – 2400 MHz
3300 – 3700 MHz
24.3 – 27.5 GHz
The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) announced that the auction for the 700 MHz, 2.3 GHz (n40), 3.5 GHz (n78) and 26 GHz (n258) 5G frequency bands will be held in the first quarter of 2021.
The 5G Spectrum auction was meant to take place in 2020, however has been re-scheduled to the first quarter of 2021.
This upcoming 5G spectrum auction will be the largest spectrum auction in the history of ANATEL.
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