Modular, Open Standard Based Software Defined Radio Solutions

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  • Author: Nigel Forrester

Within the embedded industry, there is over 30 years’ experience of using open standards-­based building blocks in defense applications. In that time,there have been many advances,including suppliers accepting that it takes a lot of trust for a defense equipment manufacturer to choose COTS components.Longevity of supply, high quality manufacture and testing,and the ability to support equipment in the field are critical attributes that suppliers must demonstrate.Once trust is established, the benefits of modular building blocks based on open standards can be realized.

For military deployment, even simple modules require significant development and qualification cycles. While there still needs to be system level qualification,each building block that can be sourced off the shelf saves time to deployment and therefore reduces development cost and risk.
Military threats are constantly evolving, and our ability to intercept, monitor and decode communications must keep pace. The rate of change has increased, and while COTS technologies are not always available, they provide a valuable choice with shorter cycles.

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