IMS2012: A Look in the Rear-View Mirror

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  • Author: Tom Perkins Senior Technical Editor
The symposium started (and ended) with numerous workshops and short courses. The Plenary Session late Monday afternoon was colorful and thought-provoking. It was followed by the Welcome Reception sponsored by HFE. I had the privilege later that evening of attending the IEEE MTT Chapter Chairs’ Meeting hosted by coordinator Bela Szendrenyi. In attendance were approximately 35 chapter leaders from many Sections throughout the world. Dr. Peter Staecker, IEEE President Elect and fully involved MTT volunteer for many years, was in attendance. Another highlight for me was the Ham Radio Social held on Tuesday evening. A Morse code contest was held starting at five words per minute and working up to about 30 WPM. A timed quiz followed. Dr. Jim Rautio, AJ3K, IEEE Fellow, won. Another contest to see how quickly one could measure a bandpass filter using an Agilent FieldFox RF Analyzer was held with Jim’s son Brian, AB2MP, taking first place. Nick Kolias, 2012 MTT President, handed out prizes.
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